Van Heerden Hunting

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I book a hunt?

Once we have discussed the details of your safari and you have accepted a quote, we look at potential dates for the safari. We will send you a pro forma invoice for the safari which includes all details about the hunt as well as when the deposits are due and what our cancellation policy is. Both parties will have to sign the invoice and a 50 % deposit of the daily rates is due to confirm the booking.

How do I get to Namibia?

The most sensible route is out of or via Europe, Frankfurt or Munich – Germany, directly to Windhoek. Most major airlines fly into Johannesburg or Cape Town where you can get daily connection flights to Windhoek.

How do I obtain a Namibian hunting License?

It is our responsibility to get your trophy hunting permit before you arrive in Namibia. On such license you are only allowed to hunt two animals of a species

What caliber rifle will be suitable for my safari?

Handguns, together with automatic and semi-automatic guns are not allowed. Suitable calibers for all plains game are from 7mm Magnum to 375 H+H. Nature Conservation Regulations only allow soft nose ammunition, reliable bonded soft nose ammunition is recommended. It is wise not to bring less than 40 rounds (maximum of 80 rounds per caliber is allowed) in case rifles need re-sighting. Be certain your rifle is sighted in to strike zero at 200 yards.

Minimum muzzle velocity and minimum caliber per rifle for the different game species:

  • 5.400 joules / .375 : Buffalo, Elephant, Rhino, Hippo, Lion, etc.
  • 2.700 joules / .270 : Eland, Kudu, Oryx, Wildebeest, Hartebeest, all other exotic game
  • 1.350 joules / .243 : Springbock, Duiker, Steenbock, etc.

You are allowed to bring 60 cartridges per caliber.

How do I import my rifle into Namibia?

You can import two rifles and one shotgun into Namibia. Temporary import permits are issued at Windhoek International Airport on arrival. You must advise the commercial airline in advance that you are traveling with firearms and ammunition. Please be sure to check with the appropriate airline as to their particular regulations. Rifles can be hired from the safari outfitter.

Is there any other type of equipment I will need on my hunt?

Remember to bring a good pair of binoculars (x7 / x8 magnification), for each guest. A standard 35 mm camera with a wide-angle lens or small pocket size digital camera is sufficient to take trophy photos. For the more professional wildlife pictures, a 300 – 400 mm lens will be necessary. Remember to bring enough memory cards. Namibia is a dusty country and you should protect your equipment well. Plastic “Ziplock” bags are an ideal means of covering and storing photographic equipment.

What will the weather be like during my safari & what type of clothing should I pack?

Informal clothing, comfortable and sturdy, in neutral shades such as khaki, is recommended. Sturdy, well worn-in footwear, with soles designed for quiet movement when stalking, is essential. During the winter months, May through August, warm clothing is necessary for evenings and early mornings, where it could get bitterly cold. For the remainder of the season shorts and short-sleeved shirts, with a duffel jacket or heavy jersey for the evenings is sufficient. The rainfall season is between October and April, which does not influence the hunting activities. Rain improves the landscape and makes tracking so much easier.

  Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
°F 65 - 101 64 - 92 58 - 91 54 - 91 40 - 87 36 - 73 27 - 66 40 - 78 51 - 92 58 - 96 62 - 99 71 - 103
°C 18 - 39 17 - 39 14 - 33 12 - 33 4 - 31 2 - 23 -3 - 19 4 - 26 10 - 34 14 - 36 16 - 38 21 - 40

Does Malaria occur in the hunting areas?

Malaria does occur sporadically in some of the territories. Further details will be given on booking.

How are my days on safari spent?

You will be welcomed on arrival at the airport, by the professional hunter and escorted to the hunting territory. Shortly after arrival in the territory, you will visit the shooting range to prepare and check all equipment for the hunt. Alternatively it is possible to start off with a 6-day photographic safari to Etosha, which was put together for the hunter. After the hunt it is possible to visit Swakopmund or Windhoek for some shopping and then the journey home starts.

Breakfast is usually before sunrise, where after you will go hunting with your professional hunter, tracker and driver. You will be driving spotting game and do some stalks on animals that you have on your wish list. When the animals start hanging around in the shade during the hotter time of the day, you will be heading back to the camp. Where you will enjoy a good lunch and have some time off from the normal hunting activities. In the after noon you will be heading out into the bush until sunset. During your drive back to camp it will be dark, which means temperatures drop and it could really become cold.

What happens to my trophies after the safari?

We normally bring your trophies to the local taxidermy within 1 - 3 months after completion of your safari. The duration of the delivery depends on how fast the skins get dry and how long it takes to get the trophies through quarantine (only required for conservancy hunts). The delivery costs to the local taxidermy are included in your hunting daily rates. The taxidermist will prepare your trophies for export and will take care of the required paperwork.

Taxidermy prices in Namibia are very affordable and the quality and workmanship is very good. Financially there is very little difference between the cost of shipping raw trophies or mounted ones. The normal completion time to mount trophies is approximately 10 months.

Will there be other hunters in camp and on the concession?

No, the camp and hunting area will be for your exclusive use. Should a situation arise that another hunter would join you for two or three days, we will first discuss it with you.

Do you have any references?

Find some references and testimonials


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Tel: +264 81 127 4155
Tel: +264 81 228 2189

P.O. Box 30208
Pioneers Park

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