Van Heerden Hunting

Meat distribution


The meat from all our hunts is completely utilized and used by the local community, mostly to make biltong, the typical dried and spiced raw meat from the Southern African countries.

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Training courses


We offer or support training courses of our staff and members of the Dzoti Conservancy. These include First Aid Courses, maintenance and welding training, cooking courses and trophy care courses, just to name a few. 

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Education about hunting


On a regular basis we educate children from the community about our concept and teach them about the importance of hunting and natural conservation. We explain about the different species that live in the area and that can be hunted. On these educational days we always offer a lunch in the camp and go on a boat ride or game drive.

  1440 Hits

Donations to San


The San (Bushman) belong to the poorest communities in Namibia. As members of an original Hunter-Gatherers community, the San often find it difficult to adapt to the modern world. We often support San communities in our hunting concessions with donations that we collect from our friends and hunters. Food, clothing, shoes and school books are some of the donations that are always very welcome. 

  1295 Hits

Dormitory for Malengalenga Combined School


Thanks to the help of a couple of German hunters and a few other generous donors, Ondjou Safaris were able to build a dormitory for 30 boys and 30 girls at the Malengalenga Combined School ...

  1927 Hits

Cleaning-Up Day


We did a cleaning-up day together with the Malengalenga Combined School, educating the boys and girls and telling them how important it is to keep your school and natural surroundings clean

  1194 Hits


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Tel: +264 81 127 4155
Tel: +264 81 228 2189

P.O. Box 30208
Pioneers Park

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