Van Heerden Hunting

Bachelor herds – a sign for a well-functioning quota system

If various bachelor herds of well balanced age groups can be found in a communal hunting block / conservancy, the quota setting process seems to work after being applied for 12 years with close to 100% utilisation of the allocated quota.

Different seasons as well as annual rainfall play a role when it comes to animal movement in a larger landscape. These factors should be carefully considered when setting a new quota.

Impala Bachelor Group

  2115 Hits

German Hunting Association thanks Ondjou Safaris - import ban of hunting trophies stopped

German Hunting Association thanks Ondjou Safaris - import ban of hunting trophies stopped

In July 2021, a film team, organized by the German Hunting Association ( together with the German delegation of the Council for Game and Wildlife Conservation (, visited our Dzoti hunting concession in the Zambezi region in northeastern Namibia. In various interviews, for example with Smith Sheketo and Annedia Limbo, members of the Dzoti Conservancy Committee, and Hentie van Heerden, an...

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Meat distribution


The meat from all our hunts is completely utilized and used by the local community, mostly to make biltong, the typical dried and spiced raw meat from the Southern African countries.

  2592 Hits

Elephants and Baobabs


The 2 photos are showing the same Baobab tree (Adansonia digitata – Affenbrotbaum) and damage done to the tree by elephants. This kind of damage is common in areas where a high elephant population occurs. The damage to the tree species is to such an extent that the tree is highly threatened and disappearing slowly.

  2433 Hits

Elephants and Locusts


Small family herd of elephants passing in front of our Dzoti hunting camp with a big flock of locusts flying by.

  1986 Hits

Buffalo - Old Boy


Found this old boy this afternoon. He seems to have passed of natural causes. Fascinating to imagine where he has wandered around over the past 14+ years of which he managed to evade us for the last 10 years.

  1934 Hits

Education about hunting


On a regular basis we educate children from the community about our concept and teach them about the importance of hunting and natural conservation. We explain about the different species that live in the area and that can be hunted. On these educational days we always offer a lunch in the camp and go on a boat ride or game drive.

  1440 Hits

Reedbuck Hunting


Reedbuck is only one of many plains game species that has recovered remarkably in numbers since 2010 when Dzoti conservancy started earning an income from naturally occurring wildlife in the conservancy after choosing Ondjou safaris as their preferred hunting outfitter.

  1672 Hits


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Tel: +264 81 228 2189

P.O. Box 30208
Pioneers Park

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