Van Heerden Hunting

Winter has arrived - Biltong Season in Namibia


Winter has arrived with big steps and the nights are pretty cold now, nothing below zero degrees Celsius yet, but cold enough to spend the evenings at the warm fireplace with some good homemade biltong. The biltong hunting season started recently. The temperature and the extremely low humidity are perfect conditions to produce this tasty Namibian specialty.

It’s the perfect opportunity for young hunters to fine tune their hunting skills and to spend time with family and friends. After cutting the meat into strips, they are sprinkled with vinegar and spiced with a special biltong mix. Depending on their size, the drying process takes between 5 days and 2 weeks. Off cuts will be used to make mince or boerewors (sausage). Nothing is waisted, even our smallest 4-legged family members get their share.

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